How to Loop Video on Instagram Story?  [Solution] 2024


Instagram Stories have become a popular way to share moments and engage with followers. Whether it’s a funny video, an inspiring quote, or a behind-the-scenes look, the ability to add photos and videos to your story allows you to express yourself creatively. One feature that many Instagram users find intriguing is the ability to loop videos on their stories. Looping a video means that it plays on a continuous loop, creating a seamless and captivating viewing experience for your audience. In this article, we will explore how to loop videos on Instagram stories for a more engaging and immersive storytelling experience.

1. Using a Third-Party App or Editing Software

If you want to loop a video on your Instagram story, one option is to use a third-party app or editing software. There are several apps available that allow you to edit and enhance your videos before posting them on Instagram. These apps often have features like looping, adding effects, trimming, and more. One popular app that offers looping capabilities is “Boomerang”. Boomerang is an app developed by Instagram itself and is specifically designed for creating short looping videos. With Boomerang, you can easily create a captivating looped video that will grab attention on your Instagram story.

To use Boomerang, follow these steps:

Using a third-party app like Boomerang allows you to have more control over the looping effect and enables you to create captivating content for your Instagram story.

2. Utilizing the Video Editor within Instagram

Another way to loop videos on your Instagram story is to use the video editor built into the Instagram app itself. This feature allows you to trim, add effects, and customize your videos directly within the Instagram platform. While the Instagram video editor may not offer as many advanced features as third-party apps, it provides a quick and convenient way to loop your videos without switching between different applications.

To loop a video using the Instagram video editor, follow these steps:

Using the built-in video editor within Instagram is a convenient way to loop your videos and share them with your followers without the need for any additional apps or software.

3. Uploading a Looping Video as a Boomerang

Instagram provides a unique feature that allows you to upload a looping video as a Boomerang directly from your camera roll. This method is useful if you’ve already created a looped video using a different app, but want to share it on your Instagram story as a Boomerang. Here are the steps to upload a looping video as a Boomerang:

By utilizing this method, you can take advantage of the looping effect while still enjoying the additional features and customization options available in the Instagram app.

Looping Videos for Engaging Instagram Stories

Looping videos on Instagram Stories can add an extra touch of creativity and engagement to your content. Whether you choose to use a third-party app, the Instagram video editor, or upload a looping video as a Boomerang, these methods allow you to create captivating and immersive storytelling experiences for your followers. Experiment with different techniques, effects, and content to find what resonates best with your audience. By utilizing looped videos in your Instagram Stories, you can capture and hold your viewers’ attention, ultimately increasing engagement and building a stronger connection with your followers.


Looping videos on Instagram Stories is a creative way to engage with your audience. By using apps like Boomerang, utilizing the Instagram video editor, or uploading looped videos as Boomerangs, you can capture attention and create captivating storytelling experiences. Experiment with different techniques and effects to find what works best for your content. Remember to keep your videos concise and visually appealing to keep your viewers engaged. Take advantage of the power of looping videos to enhance your Instagram Stories and drive higher engagement with your followers.

For more helpful tips and tricks on using Instagram and other social media platforms effectively, check out our social media tips page.

Key Takeaways: How to Loop Video on Instagram Story? [Solution] 2024

  1. Looping a video on an Instagram story can make it more engaging and captivating.
  2. To loop a video on Instagram Story, you can use apps or editing software to add a loop effect.
  3. One popular app for looping videos on Instagram Story is called “Boomerang.”
  4. Simply open the Boomerang app, record or select a video, and it will automatically loop the content.
  5. After creating the looped video, you can easily import it into your Instagram Story like any other video.
How to Loop Video on Instagram Story?  [Solution] 2024 2

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