how to mark messages unread on iphone?  [Solution] 2024

Introduction: Why Marking Messages Unread is Important

As an iPhone user, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the constant influx of messages. Whether they are text messages, emails, or instant messaging notifications, it can be challenging to keep track of what you’ve read and what you haven’t. That’s where the “Mark as Unread” feature comes in handy. This feature allows you to mark a message as unread, giving you a visual indicator that you need to revisit and respond to it later.

In this article, we will explore the different methods on how to mark messages unread on iPhone. We’ll guide you through the process step-by-step and provide valuable insights on how this feature can enhance your productivity and organization. So, if you’re ready to take control of your messages and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks, let’s get started.

Method 1: Marking Messages Unread in the Messages App

The Messages app on your iPhone is where you can access all your text messages and iMessages. This is the primary method of communication for most iPhone users. To mark a message as unread in the Messages app, follow these steps:

By performing these steps, you have successfully marked the selected message as unread. The conversation will now display a blue dot next to it, indicating that there are unread messages within that conversation.

Why Marking Messages Unread is Useful

Marking messages as unread can be incredibly useful in various scenarios. Here are a few reasons why you might want to utilize this feature:

Now that you understand the benefits of marking messages as unread let’s explore another method of accomplishing this on your iPhone.

Method 2: Using the Mail App to Mark Emails Unread

In addition to text messages and iMessages, email plays a crucial role in communication for many users. To mark emails as unread in the Mail app on your iPhone, follow these steps:

By following these steps, you can mark emails as unread and easily identify them among the rest of your inbox. This ensures that no important emails go unnoticed or forgotten.

Why Marking Emails Unread is Useful

Similar to marking messages unread in the Messages app, marking emails unread can provide several advantages in managing your inbox effectively. Here’s why this feature is useful:

Now that you know how to mark messages and emails as unread on your iPhone let’s explore some additional tips and tricks to optimize this feature.

Tips and Tricks for Efficiently Managing Unread Messages

Now that you understand the process of marking messages as unread, let’s explore some tips and tricks to help you efficiently manage your messages and stay organized:

1. Use Search to Find Unread Messages

If you have a large number of unread messages or emails, it can be challenging to locate specific ones. Fortunately, the search function within the Messages and Mail apps can help. Simply enter relevant keywords or the sender’s name in the search bar, and the app will filter and display all relevant unread messages.


Let’s say you’re looking for an unread message from a specific contact named John. Open the Messages app, tap the search bar, and type “John” or any other relevant terms. The app will display all conversations and messages related to that search query.

2. Utilize Read Receipts

Read receipts can be a helpful tool for managing your messages. When enabled, you’ll receive a notification when someone has read your message. This can be particularly beneficial when collaborating with colleagues, ensuring that you’re aware when they have seen your message.

How to Enable Read Receipts:

To enable read receipts in the Messages app, follow these steps:

Once enabled, you’ll receive read receipts for your sent messages. This can help you track whether your messages have been read and allow you to follow up if necessary.

3. Create Message Filters

To further enhance your message organization, you can create filters to automatically sort incoming messages into different folders or categories. This can be particularly helpful for managing work-related messages or filtering out spam emails.

How to Create Message Filters:

To create message filters in the Mail app, follow these steps:

Once you’ve created your filters, the Mail app will automatically apply them to incoming messages based on the specified criteria. This can significantly streamline your inbox and make it easier to prioritize and locate important messages.

4. Set Up VIP Contacts

If you receive messages or emails from certain individuals that are more important than others, you can designate them as VIP contacts. When someone is on your VIP list, you’ll receive special notifications for their messages, making it easier to identify and prioritize their communication.

How to Set Up VIP Contacts:

To set up VIP contacts in the Mail app, follow these steps:

Once you’ve designated someone as a VIP contact, you’ll receive special notifications for their messages. This ensures that you don’t miss any critical communication from them.


Marking messages and emails as unread on your iPhone is a powerful feature that can help you stay organized, prioritize your communication, and ensure that no important messages slip through the cracks. By following the methods outlined in this article and utilizing the provided tips and tricks, you can effectively manage your messages and optimize your productivity.

Remember, the “Mark as Unread” feature is a valuable tool for any iPhone user who wants to take control of their messages and maintain efficient communication. Start implementing these strategies today, and enjoy a more organized and stress-free messaging experience on your iPhone.

Key Takeaways – How to Mark Messages Unread on iPhone?

  • Open the Messages app on your iPhone.
  • Swipe right on the message you want to mark as unread.
  • Tap on the “Mark as Unread” option that appears.
  • The message will now have a blue dot next to it indicating it is unread.
  • You can easily find all your unread messages by going to the “Unread” folder in the Messages app.
how to mark messages unread on iphone?  [Solution] 2024 2

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