How to Remove Shop Tab on Instagram?  [Solution] 2024

Why Remove the Shop Tab on Instagram?

Instagram has quickly become one of the most popular social media platforms, attracting both individuals and businesses alike. With its user-friendly interface and visually appealing content, Instagram offers a unique space for users to share their photos, videos, and stories with the world. In an effort to cater to its growing user base and capitalize on the e-commerce trend, Instagram introduced the Shop Tab feature.

The Shop Tab allows businesses to showcase and sell their products directly on Instagram, making it convenient for users to discover and purchase items without leaving the app. While this feature may be beneficial for businesses, it can be overwhelming for users who are simply looking to engage with friends, family, or other non-commercial content. If you find the Shop Tab distracting or irrelevant to your Instagram experience, this article will guide you on how to remove it.

Removing the Shop Tab on Instagram

Removing the Shop Tab on Instagram is a relatively simple process that can improve your overall user experience on the platform. Whether you want to declutter your feed or avoid being constantly exposed to commercial content, here are some methods to remove the Shop Tab:

Method 1: Disabling the Shop Tab through Settings

The first method to remove the Shop Tab on Instagram is through the app’s settings. Follow these steps:

Method 2: Removing the Shop Tab from the Explore Page

Another way to remove the Shop Tab on Instagram is to customize your Explore page preferences. The Explore page is where Instagram suggests content based on your interests and preferences. Here’s how you can remove the Shop Tab from the Explore page:

Method 3: Using Third-Party Apps

If the first two methods don’t work for you, you can explore the option of using third-party apps to remove the Shop Tab on Instagram. These apps provide additional customization features, allowing you to personalize your Instagram experience. Here are a few popular third-party apps:


Removing the Shop Tab on Instagram is a personal preference and depends on how you use the platform. Whether you want to minimize commercial content or create a distraction-free browsing experience, the methods mentioned in this article can help you achieve your goal. Remember to explore the settings within the app or consider using third-party apps for additional customization options. By removing the Shop Tab, you can curate your Instagram feed to align with your interests and preferences.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Shop tab on Instagram can be removed from your profile.
  2. To remove the Shop tab, go to your Instagram profile and tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner.
  3. From the menu that appears, navigate to Settings.
  4. In the Settings menu, tap on the Business or Creator Account option.
  5. Scroll down and look for the “Shopping” section and tap on it.
How to Remove Shop Tab on Instagram?  [Solution] 2024 2

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